Monday, June 15, 2009


What an experience to share with this being my first blog. The experience which I would like to cherish for a long time which would never perish till my life time and can be done only once in life time.

Being a first year graduate in SIMS we were going through a rigorous activities as a part of our induction program. One among them was a business exercise. We were all wondering what would be a business exercise be like. We were all so curious to know what a business exercise would be like. We were looking forward for it and finally the day has come. We reported to our class and were eagerly waiting for the exercise to start off.

Our sir walks in and briefs us about what a business exercise is. So let me first brief about what a business exercise is. Its like we need to go to a place find out a job for our self and then work for a stipulated time and earn money this sounds simple but let me tell you the rules.

1.We should not reveal our identity like from which institution we are from and what are we upto like which course we are upto.

2. We should not use even use a single penny for transportation or for food or for any purpose whatsoever.

3. We need to work as a team of two. You are assigned a buddy. You need work along with him/her.

4. We need to earn a minimum of 150rs per head.

The place we were told to go was aundh and time slot allotted for working was like from 11am to 4 pm. So as we are done with the rules now let me elaborate my experience. We left our campus at 9.45 and then we started looking for a gentleman who could give us lift. Fortunately a car stopped for us we got in but unfortunately they were heading to the other direction so we got down of the car in a nearby junction and now the hunt for lift begins and finally yet we find one more gentleman who gave us lift. Finally we reach this place called aundh where we were supposed get down. We got down there now the real story grips in that is the hunt for the job. Me and my buddy were thinking like we would get into a earning streak but it was a different ball game out there we couldn’t find a job for ourselves .We were roaming on the roads jobless we approached many companies like pinnacle which is a consultancy company then croma the electronic store then to the seasons hotel then to Mc Donalds what not we where into every store out there but it was like no stone turned to our favour. We got into a situation where we would do anything like even washing the dishes for earning money.

Finally we got into a restaurant where we were assigned to fold the paper napkins and put them into the holder.

What we thought off and what we ended up was a real shocking surprise to us. In an hour we got the job done then the hunt started yet again.

We were roaming and roaming and finally we got into a Vodafone store where we put in all our marketing skills whatever we were having and finally the manger had accepted our proposal and we had found a job. We felt like that’s one of the biggest achievement we achieved. Our job was to meet people tell them the promotional offers of Vodafone and take their contact numbers who are interested into it.

We worked for it for two hours by then it was past 4’o clock we were told to report at the open canteen at the pune university by 4.30pm so we had rush in and fortunately we could get lift immediately and then finally we were at that place to be reported . We had all our batch mates reported there and finally the task is accomplished.

.”There are few things money cannot buy for rest of the things there is visa”.

This quotation would perfectly suit to us.The experience we got was priceless.